• Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8AM to 9PM
  • info@host-monsite.club
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Slide Web Hosting Services from Host-Monsite Dedicated Servers are ideal for Larger Businesses and High-Traffic Websites GET STARTED NOW VIEW ALL PLANS

Web Hosting

Starting at:


Unlimited Domains
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Unmetered Bandwidth
One Click Installs Scripts

VPS Hosting

Starting at:


Unlimited Domains
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Unmetered Bandwidth
One Click Installs Scripts

Dedicated Server

Starting at:

€ 39/mo

Unlimited Domains
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Unmetered Bandwidth
One Click Installs Scripts

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Host-Monsite Guarantees

Money-Back Guarantee

If you feel your plan isn’t for you within 30 days, we’ll refund all your hosting fees.

24/7 Live Support

Because there is no great hosting without great technical support that cares about your website.

Powered by cPanel

The most popular and powerful web hosting control panel for easy point-and-click management of your hosting account.

Fast SSD Servers

Up to 300% faster access to your files and databases compared to non-SSD hosting providers!

Free migration

For a standard shared hosting migration please have a full cpanel backup ready for download. You do not need to upload it to your new Host Monsite shared hosting account, however, doing so will save some time. The current Host Monsite account should have no data in it, as the backup will overwrite any data.

Hosting Features

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit quo
omnis dolor repellendus.